Thursday, February 26, 2009

My First Kiss!!!!!!!!!!

My first kiss was very interesting it was with a boy who I had a crush every sense I was a little girl.He thought he was the best thing for me we both really liked each other so much that we use to spend all of our time together.Even though we were kids so we had to be in the house before the lights on the streets go off.We both liked the same things such as ice cream,snickers and gummy worms.Everytime I get made at him or he do something to make me mad he would bring me some gummy worms.I remember this day like it was yesterday he asked me did I want to go to the park because the park was right down the street.I said yeah because I love to swing,so as we were walking he grabbed my hand and came over and kissed me onthe lips.As me being their I ask him was he crazy,he said no I just like you so much.After that we became even closer to each other until one day he called me and told me he was moving to Mississippi.That really hurted me and I started to cry,right now today we still haven't seen each other.

1 comment:

Kanyla41508 said...

i think this is so cute.