Friday, March 6, 2009

The Story Of My Most Serious Injury

When I was little I was diagnosed with scoliosis that is when your spine is not straight.The problem never seem to bother me until the beginning of Freshmen year.The situation start becoming very disturbing I was missing a lot of days of school but I never gave up on my school work because school is very important to me.As time moved on it got worser in the middle of Saphomore year it began to mess with my Knees to cause me to fall out.Most people in school says that is really bad but hey I was still trying to attend and I did.I did very well and I didn't fell any classes that is what you call dedicated to your work.Now I am Senior and after I graduate I am suppose to go through surgery I am really scared but that is what I have to do if I ever want to have kids in the future or even feel any better.Right now I attend therapy for my back and some times that can get very irritating also,but I go and take my medicine.Scoliosis is not nothing to play with if you is in the last stage of it.So I'm just going to do my best in school then once I graduate I will get my surgery then I will attend college after my surgery is well.

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