Friday, March 6, 2009

The First Time I Had My Heart Broken

The first time I had my heart broken is when I was going with this guy and he claim he love me and everything but yet he was out doing me wrong.I am the typeof female who don't play games such as cheating on anyone or nothing if I say I am committed to you,then that mean you only.Most of the guys I havekicked it with don't seem to know what they had until it was gone.All my ex-boyfriends still calls me right now today asking could we please get back together but I say NO,because if you hurt me once you will do it again.My heart is very sensitive I might act like I'm not because I love to smile and also make everyone else smile.So when a person hurt me once it is very hard for that person to gain my trust back.Really it's like you don't even exist in my eyes anymore because you took the most important things away and that is my trust,and loyalty.

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